Our Discoveries in the Discovery Park!

The Junior Classroom visited the Discovery Park earlier this month to observe and record aspects of nature around them in early Summer!

We saw “white candles” on the Horse Chestnut Trees!

There were beautiful bluebells to greet us along our way!

We saw wild mushrooms,

cow parsley,

some minibeasts,

a gaggle of geese and

we even got to blow a dandelion clock!

No trip to the Discovery Park would be complete without a trip to the Timber Tumbles Playground!

Our Train Drivers!!

Sand Artists at work!!

Slides & swings to entertain us all!!

We had great fun with our friends!

Thank you to Mrs. Murtagh for escorting us down to the park and helping the children in their Nature Trail Activity.

2 thoughts on “Our Discoveries in the Discovery Park!

  1. It looks like you all had a great day in the Discovery Park! Lovely photos:)

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