November News from the Junior Room

We have done lots of work in Junior & Senior Infants since we came back from mid term break. Our play themes have been The Post Office and The Airport. We learned and created lots about these topics.

Making aeroplanes in junk art.

Building our own airport with a runway and control tower.

Designing and writing in our own passports.

Checking in at the airport.

Going through security and bag checks.

Buying stamps at the Post Office.

Making post boxes in Junk Art.

In Art we made hand print planes, linking to our play topic.

We also made various creatures from clay in Art. We had fun moulding the clay and painting it in bright colours when dry.

 Our topic in Gaeilge has been Eadaí and we made our own Líne Eadaí based on the work we did.

Staying on the theme of clothing we designed our own outfits using different fabrics in Art.

In SESE we learned all about Barn Owls and created pictures of these nocturnal birds.

In Music we learned the song Miss Polly has a Dolly. We coloured in pictures of the song and sequenced them in the correct order.

We worked lots on being a good friend this month. We looked at videos, read stories and discussed what it means to be a good friend. We made a friendship tree from all our hand prints to show that we are all friends in the Junior Room 🙂

One thought on “November News from the Junior Room

  1. Looks like lots of fun was had. I loved all the outfits for the airport. Very imaginative.

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