
Over the past 6 weeks, the children in 3rd class completed projects on various topics of their choice.  The topics covered various strands of the S.E.S.E (Social, Environmental and Scientific Education) curriculum.  On Tuesday, 28th February, the children stood in front of the whole class and presented their project to the other children.  They did a wonderful job!

The girls completed their projects on “Dogs” and “Horses”, each including lots of information, pictures and fun facts.  To see how much you know, there is even a quiz at the end of one project!  Well done girls!

The boys completed their projects on “Formula 1”, “Tractors”, “Cars” and “Tigers”.  They did such a great job presenting their projects to the class.  Each project is unique and some of them include maps, diagrams, graphs and there are also a few wordsearches based on the topics covered!  Well done boys!

The children in 2nd class got the opportunity to read and discuss the projects with the children in 3rd class and they were very impressed with the standard of work and the huge effort that went into the projects.

Well done to all the 3rd class for their wonderful projects.  You should be very proud of your efforts!




3 thoughts on “Projects!

  1. Lovely photos, I’d have liked to have heard all of the presentations, lovely to see the photos – we learnt a lot about Formula One racing in our household 🙂

  2. I enjoyed listening to the presentations and I liked the projects and there were all so good, I don’t have a favourite.

  3. Kate, thank you so much for your lovely comment. Yes, they were all so good! I look forward to 2nd class completing their projects next year. I’m sure you will all do a great job as well 🙂

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