Nature Detectives!

Over the past few weeks, the children in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class have been learning about wildlife, both in Ireland and abroad.  In January, the children were divided into groups and completed a project on Arctic Animals.  The groups were each given an animal to research and then had to collect information, pictures and diagrams based on that animal.  We learned about polar bears, penguins, the arctic fox, the arctic hare, the narwhal and harp seals.  One group also researched the arctic area.  Did you know that the temperature can be as low as -40 degrees celsius?  Have a look at the great work the children completed….

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We also learned about various birds of Ireland, garden birds and migratory birds.  We identified the birds that we have spotted in the local environment and also in our own gardens.  In our classroom, we labelled each bird and marked the birds we have spotted with a red dot…

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In Art we painted “Robins sitting in Trees on a Snowy Day”.  We hope you enjoyed looking at the children’s work!

2 thoughts on “Nature Detectives!

  1. Well done to the Middle Classroom. I really enjoyed reading your project work in the hallway on Arctic Animals! I really like your robins too 🙂

  2. It’s a fabulous display. Have you watched Africa? I think it is over now but there’s a programme on BBC2 about penguins at the moment – the dads have the responsibility of looking after the egg for a long time 🙂

    Love the robins too

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