Hello to 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class!

Hi everybody!  I hope you are all keeping well in these very strange times and that you are all staying safe and following the guidelines that our government has given us. I am keeping well, I have school work to do most days and then I’m busy with 2 little boys!  I’m sure you find some days hard, I certainly do, but the main thing is that we are all doing what we have to do.  I am looking forward to coming back to school in the near future.

Here are some ideas to continue on with at home for the next 2 weeks, to keep a bit of a routine going, which is important.  It is work that you can continue to do, mostly on your own, as I’m sure your Mums and Dads are busy trying to work from home and there is lots going on I’m sure. 


Continue to do a column of  Tables Champion each day in Weeks 26 and 27.

Continue to do a column of Master Your Maths each day in Weeks 26 & 27.

You can do a Friday Assessment if you want also.

Have a look at the following websites for fun and interactive activities:

www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button (Interactive maths games with quick fire questions)


www.multiplication.com (3rd class up)


Continue to read a page of your reader, or Read at Home book each day and answer the questions orally.  Read your own novels, comic books, Primary Planet – Your parents have the website details for this. 

Continue with your handwriting book (2-4 pages)

Do some Free Writing on any topic of your choice: a poem, story, acrostic poem, song, recipe etc

Spell Well – Units 26 & 27  Don’t worry about the spelling test , just do some exercises and try to learn some new words/vocabulary.

Check out some of these websites if you want extra work:

www.storylineonline.net – A great website – an author reads a story aloud to the children

www.vooks.com  A resource for families to keep children reading at home

www.worldbookonline.com – A virtual encyclopaedia but very interactive

Pobble365 – A new photo is published each day and there are lots of ideas for discussion (Oral Work)



Topics: An Samhradh (Summer)




Check out Joe Wicks on YouTube for fun and engaging workouts for the whole family.

Art & Craft Ideas:

Art Hub on YouTube has some useful ideas

“The Irish Scrapper” on YouTube has some simple projects for children to do also.

General Websites:

www.rte.ie/learn – This has great resources for each class level

www.incredibleedibles.ie/iefamilychallenge.html – This website has 5 simple challenges for you to do as a family if you have an interest in gardening and growing your own food.

Continue to do some activities suggested on the sheet that I sent out to you a few weeks ago such as baking, making things out of Lego, playing board games, drawing, a sensory Summer walk etc

As I also mentioned, all the Irish publishers are giving free access to books online so check out Twinkl and http://my.cjfallon.ie for tutorials for students on maths topics that they might find useful for revision.

Parents, if you and your children would like to get in touch or if you have any questions or photos of work, please email me at info@wandesforde.ie and make sure Mrs. Peavoy is in the subject box.  Looking forward to hearing from you boys and girls and in the meantime, do a little bit everyday if you can and make sure you take time out to do the fun things too! Stay safe everyone and I’ll chat to you all soon.

Mrs. Peavoy 🙂