Stay Safe with the Safe Cross Code!
In 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class, we have been learning about the Safe Cross Code! The RSA (Road Safety Authority) send out a campaign and goody pack to all the children in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class to promote safety when crossing the road. The first thing we did was learn the Safe Cross Code. I’m sure some Mums and Dads remember it from when they were young?!
The children then drew pictures to promote safety on the road, wearing a seatbelt on a short or long journey and wearing a hi-viz jacket when out walking on the street or at work. Have a look at their great efforts!
As a reward, the children received some useful items to help them stay safe in their homes and schools! The 1st class children got “Seatbelt Sheriff” badges to wear on their uniforms. The 2nd class children received hi-viz armbands and 3rd class got some pencil sharpeners and pencils. We also entered 2 children into the RSA Safety Competition. Well done Savannah and Abbey on great work. We hope we hear some good news in a few weeks!
Remember to stay safe everyone!