Merry Christmas from 5th & 6th Class!

The pupils in the Senior Room have had lots on in December to keep them busy!

We lit candles in our candle holders which we painted back in November.

We created Nativity scenes and Christmas snowmen in Art.

In History we were fascinated to learn all about life in Medieval Times. We learned lots about society, life in towns and the country and daily life. We wrote up what we found to be most interesting from that time.

In Religious Education we learned all about Advent and made our class Advent Wreath. We lit a new candle on it each week.

We also made colourful Nativity lanterns.

In Gaeilge we wrote a cinquain (5 line poem) based on the topic of An Nollaig.

Finally we had great fun at the cinema, we went to see Moana and at our Christmas party, especially when a special person appeared!!

Merry Christmas everyone, see you in 2017!


3 thoughts on “Merry Christmas from 5th & 6th Class!

  1. Super work everyone in the Senior Room. I was really impressed with all the displays. I particularly liked the nativity silhouettes. Merry Christmas to you all.

  2. Lovely work once again Senior Room. I really like your candle holders. They will be lovely in your homes for Christmas 🙂

  3. Lovely work once again Senior Room. I really like your candle holders. They will be lovely in your homes for Christmas!

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