March Madness in the Senior Room!

We have had a very busy and productive few weeks in the Senior Room. In Science we read all about various types of rocks and went around the school grounds naming and sketching different rocks.

We also learned all about our eyes and ears and labelled diagrams of them.

In art we made colourful shamrocks for St Patrick’s Day and bright Easter Wreaths.

With Spring now here we also painted different shades of pink, green and blue and created these pretty flowers.

For Mother’s Day we made and decorated cupcakes for our mums.

We learned all about Guide Dogs and the work they do in English. We designed these posters to inform people how they should behave around these dogs.

The Titanic was our topic in history and we found out lots of information about what happened to this majestic ship, as well as the people on board, including crew and passengers. We wrote in the information we learned around pictures of the ship.

Finally in Religion we learned all about the events of Holy Week. We made wheels with each day of the week represented on them and wrote acrostic poems all about Judas.

2 thoughts on “March Madness in the Senior Room!

  1. Great work everybody! Well done on a great month’s work. Your Spring flowers look very pretty on the wall. Happy Easter to you all:)

  2. Well done 🙂 I especially love the Titanic display in the Senior Room. The Mother’s Day cupcakes also looked (and tasted) great.

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