The Bishop’s Poster Competition

Wandesforde National School had 2 winners in The Bishop’s Poster Competition this year. The theme of the competition was “We are Easter People”. Congratulations to Kelsey Roe in Junior Infants who achieved 1st Prize in the competition.

Here is her winning entry on Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on a donkey!

Our second winner was Owen Stewart in Junior Infants. He achieved  3rd Prize in the competition. Below is  a photograph of his winning entry showing the angel appearing to Mary & Mary Magdalene outside the tomb where Jesus was buried!

Congratulations to both our winners and well done to all the children who participated in the competition and produced posters of a very high standard!

5 thoughts on “The Bishop’s Poster Competition

    1. Thanks Will for leaving a comment on the post! I think everyone did fantastic posters for the competition!

  1. Well done Kelsey and Owen. Your pictures are wonderful! Very bright and colourful 🙂

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