Traffic Surveyors at the Wandesforde National School

On Wednesday, 25th May, Junior & Senior Infants worked very hard as traffic surveyors in Castlecomer to support work covered in class on the topic of Transport.

The children were given either a form of transport or a colour which they had to keep watch for in the traffic that passed by the school gates from 9:40-10am that morning.

The children had great fun watching for their colour and type of vehicle!

 All the results were recorded onto a clipboard.

The results of the traffic survey were that the most frequent form of transport passing the school was a car! Not only this, but the most common colour to pass the school was silver!

The children really enjoyed their duties as traffic surveyors and they did a fantastic job of it as the photographs tell!

One thought on “Traffic Surveyors at the Wandesforde National School

  1. That is so cute!

    We discovered that silver cars are the most popular too (when we go on long drives, each person picks a colour and counts up the number of cars we meet in that colour), so much so that silver cars are now not allowed in our car game!

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