A New School Year Begins!
We are delighted to be back in the Junior Room after the Summer Break. We welcomed 6 new Junior Infants to our class this year. 🙂
We have been busy learning about different topics, in Maths Junior Infants learned colours, collecting items of colour from around the room.
In SESE we learned about ourselves as well as our school. We drew self portraits, discussed how we are growing and changing decorating Birthday Cakes for our ages.
We read the story “Our Class is a Family.” We drew pictures of ourselves in school. We also did a treasure hunt around our classroom, finding different areas we use and drew items we find in school. We also came up with suggestions of the things teachers do and drew pictures of our teachers. We made a bright bunch of flowers to show that ”we are a lovely bunch” in our class!
In Art we decorated the letters of our names.
In RE we discussed our school & we thanked God for our lovely school.
We also learned the rules of our classroom, listen, try hard, be safe, be nice, share & care.