January Fun In the Middle Room!

We have had a busy January in 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class!  We were very fortunate to have Mr. Stephen McCorry teaching the children for the first few weeks of the month.  Mr. McCorry did lots of lovely things with the boys and girls!  To start 2015 off on a positive note, the children designed stars and these were displayed in our classroom.  They intend to “Reach for the Stars” this year!

He also looked at the theme of Transport and the children compared photographs of New York a 100 years ago with the New York of today.  The children then worked in groups to compare these photos.

The 3rd class pupils have just started their projects on various themes.  We took a trip to the library to get some books for these projects.  While we were there, Mary very kindly read us a story!  Thank you Mary!

For SPHE, Philip, Richie and Drury came to the school.  They are members of the local Fire Brigade and came to do a presentation about fire safety to the class.  The children had to take part in various activities and received a pencil, certificate and money box for listening so well!  Thank you very much!

To support Literacy in the school, we have been reading “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” in class.  The children completed a book report on the book and we looked at all the characters in the book.  The children came up with lots of wonderful adjectives to describe the main characters in the story!

In Visual Arts, the children designed Rock n Roll Vests!  They look very stylish on the wall!

The children in 1st Class painted “Robins in Trees on a Snowy Day”…..

In Geography, we looked at various homes and materials use to build houses.  The children designed their dream houses.  There are swimming pools, tree houses, chocolate fountains….what fantastic imaginations!

The children in 2nd Class completed a mini project on an animal of their choice.  They did a wonderful job typing and finding photos for their projects!

Well done boys and girls on a great month’s work!

3 thoughts on “January Fun In the Middle Room!

  1. Lovely work Middle Room! I really like your Rock n’ Roll Vests-they’re very creative and colourful too!!

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