It’s a Sunny Summer Term in the Junior Room!

We’ve had lots to keep us busy during the Summer Term in the Junior Room! We went on our school tour to Activate in Waterford.

Our butterflies each hatched from their chrysalis and we released them in the school grounds.

We learned all about the seaside and water. We discovered what it was like to work as a lighthouse keeper years ago, designed our own colourful lighthouses, learned information about sharks and drew sharks, finally we heard the story of The Children of Lir and drew our favourite part of the story.

Continuing on the theme of water we conducted experiments to see what items float and sink and recorded our results. We also made colourful jellyfish in art.

We enjoyed having our teddies in school for a Teddy Bears’ Picnic and eating ice cream as a treat too!

We continue to learn GAA each week and went on a mini beast hunt around our school grounds. We found a snail, butterflies, ants and woodlice!

In English Junior Infants were working hard learning Tricky Words, making them from Play Doh as well as identifying them on worksheets. Senior Infants wrote about their favourite memory from the year.

Wishing everyone a happy and relaxing Summer Break! See you at the end of August 🙂

3 thoughts on “It’s a Sunny Summer Term in the Junior Room!

  1. Lovely work Junior Room and Ms Power. You have been busy! Enjoy your well deserved Summer Break 🙂

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