Here comes the Summer!!

During the month of May, the Junior Classroom have worked very hard in all areas of the curriculum. Following the Easter Break, they drew a picture of some activities they did during their holidays!

We welcomed 6 little chicks into the world during the month too! Every day, we watched them grow and at the end of the month, the children in the Junior Classroom named 2 of the chicks: Cookie & Bubbles!!!

In Maths, the children revisited the topic of Data and enjoyed tasting apples and recording the results from the class on a giant bar chart.

The results we graphed were that the Pink Lady Apple was the preferred apple while Royal Gala was the least favourite!

In SESE, the children enjoyed learning about Healthy Eating. They wrote their own Healthy Shopping List and also made some delicious fruit and vegetable bowls using stencils in Art.

In Geography, the children discussed the seasons of the year and in particular focused on Summer! In support of all their work on the topic, they designed their own “Flip Flops” to get us into the holiday mode!

First Class wrote their own Limericks during the month too!

They also created their own colourful characters!

Towards the end of the month, the children made their own cartoon creatures in SPHE who can really show their true qualities!


Well done on a great month’s work!

We’re looking forward to all the activities that June will bring!

5 thoughts on “Here comes the Summer!!

  1. Great work Juniors ? I have to say your flip-flops were fab-u-lous!!! On the apple survey I have to say I’m a Gala fan myself.

  2. Amazing work – I love that the kids did the apples survey – great subject – I’m sure it was fun.

  3. Lovely work everyone-your fruit & vegetable bowls look very healthy & colourful ☺

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