Hello to 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class!
Hi Everybody, I hope you are all keeping well and enjoying the lovely sunshine. You probably know by now that we won’t be back to school before the end of June now so I will continue to post work for you and your Mums and Dads to pick and choose from, in your own time, to keep in touch with learning. I was really disappointed to hear that we wouldn’t be back, but we have to continue to follow the guidelines from our government and just do our best in every way we can.
Continue to do a column of Tables Champion in weeks 28 & 29 each day. Maybe get your Mum or Dad or an older brother or sister to ask you your tables orally to improve your mental maths in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems.
Do a column in Master Your Maths each day in weeks 28 & 29 and a Friday assessment if you want to.
I posted out a Maths test that I had photocopied before school finished up. You don’t have to complete it as a test, but it would be a great chance to revise some of the things we covered before school finished up in March.
Continue to use the websites I mentioned before in my last post or in the original sheet I sent out to you.
Continue to read your reader, Read at Home books and any other material you enjoy. Don’t forget to log onto www.newsmagmedia.ie for your free Primary Planet each month with daily fun and activities.
Continue to do some free writing, writing about anything you want, a poem, story, song, recipe etc
Continue to do 2-3 pages of handwriting.
Spell Well: Complete weeks 28 & 29 and the activities based on the words in the blocks. Put some words into sentences if you want extra work.
Continue to visit the websites that I recommended to you a few weeks ago for extra oral work activities and reading activities.
Ag Siopadóireacht – Check out www.twinkl.ie and type in “Siopadóireacht” (shopping) into search box. Make sure you are on the correct class level. Lots of great powerpoint, vocab sheets and activities pop up. If you can print off worksheets, that is great, but if you can’t, watch a powerpoint and try to remember some of the words. 2nd and 3rd class can complete any pages in your Bua na Cainte based on the theme of “Ag Siopadóireacht”. Just do your best! 1st class, your books are still in school so you might have to use twinkl if that’s ok.
S.E.S.E. (Social, Environmental & Scientific Education):
I posted out your project results and hopefully you’ll all get them in the next day or so. Well done on all your hard work! I was so impressed by the standard and time you put into them. Well done again! I also posted out some worksheets from your Explore with Me 2 books and this fortnight, we will focus on the theme of “Water” in Science, Geography and History.
So if you could complete the following pages for the moment:
Page 73: The Titanic (History)
Page 74: Belfast and New York: City Fact Files (Geography)
Page 75: Floating and Sinking (Science)
Page 76: Seán the Boat Builder (History)
Remember, all parents and pupils have free access to Edco learning and there are lots of slideshow videos on the above topics if you want to check them out. In 2nd and 3rd class if you want to extend any of the activities, why not try find out more information about the Titanic, Belfast or New York? Maybe draw some famous places you could visit in these 2 cities and that would be your art lesson.
Continue to check out gonoodle.com and Joe Wicks workouts. Make sure you get out into the garden for fresh air and do a warm-up like we do in our P.E. class and do some laps if you can. You could try some sprinting, make your own hurdles, do some jumping jacks…anything that gets your heart beating faster!
Continue to check out the link that I sent you from Clare in Music Generation to revise songs completed.
Check out some of these great websites for lots of fun activities:
If you have a chance, check out www.rte.ie/learn with follow-up activities from the home school hub each day on RTE 2 at 11 am.
I hope all this makes sense to you all. Please get in touch if you need clarification on anything. Take care boys and girls. I really miss you and hope that you all continue to stay safe and well.
Best wishes,
Mrs. Peavoy