Happy Halloween from the Senior Room!!

Another busy month has come and gone! The Senior Room have completed a great month’s work again in all subject areas!

At the start of the month, we printed Autumnal Trees in Art using cotton buds!! Didn’t they do a great job!

We have had a great few weeks of playing Tag Rugby with our coach, Noel!

In Gaeilge, we have been learning lots of phrases about ourselves in Obair Bhéal. The children also wrote a little factual piece about themselves too!

We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Castlecomer Library to see a very interactive presentation from weather forecaster, Joanna Donnelly on her new book “The Great Irish Weather Book” which she published with her illustrator, Fuschia MacAree! Thank you to the library for organising this great event!

We did an art appreciation lesson on Surrealism and looked at the work of the Spanish Painter, Joan Miro, who produced many famous paintings using simple shapes, bright colours and unique symbols. Below are the children’s own pictures in response to his many creative and innovative paintings!

In SESE, the children explored the topic of Autumn as well as Living Things and created their own owls in response to all they had learned 🙂

Music Generation is well underway at Wandesforde. The children are engaging well in their weekly performance workshops with Clare Kilkenny and are participating in a wide variety of vocal and instrumental activities in Music.

In preparation for Halloween, the children engaged in a literacy workshop on Halloween Haiku Poetry. They explored the technique of writing this Japanese form of poetry using 3 lines of syllables and adjectives!

We also designed our own pumpkins for the Castlecomer Library Halloween Competition!

In Gaeilge, we learned the poem “Oíche Shamhna” and drew pictures to illustrate the poem!

Finally, the children dressed up in their Halloween costumes on Friday, 25th October. They all looked amazing and as always it was a great way to start off the Halloween Holidays!

Happy Halloween Everybody! Enjoy your well deserved Mid-Term Break 🙂

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