Halloween Fun in 2nd, 3rd and 4th Class!

We hope you are all enjoying the mid-term break from school! October has been a fun, but busy month in the middle classroom! In Science and Geography, we have been learning about animals, their habitats, how we classify them and the amazing species that roam the earth! The children then completed a mini-project on an animal of their choice. They did a great job!

In English, the children read and discussed a spooky poem called “The Haunted House” by the poet Wilfrid Scawen Blunt…

In Gaeilge, we continued to learn about “An Fómhar” and completed an “Éist & Tarraing” activity. The children had to listen to a story and draw a picture in response to it….

In Art, we looked at the primary and secondary colours and completed an art lesson which required us to make secondary colours from blue, red and yellow…

We designed “Pop Art Pumpkins” in Art also….

Spooky Silhouettes appeared on our moons…

We had an in-class Halloween Drawing Competition. Well done to Robert, Ellie and Clinton who won a prize for their efforts and spooky creations!

The children also drew Harvest Thanksgiving Pictures for a Church Service, but unfortunately, due to Covid-19 Restrictions, they couldn’t be displayed in Church. Here are a few examples of the children’s lovely artwork….

And finally, we got to dress up on the last day of school! Well done to the pupils and parents for the effort into the fabulous costumes!

Enjoy the rest of the Halloween break boys and girls and well done on all your hard work since we got back to school!

2 thoughts on “Halloween Fun in 2nd, 3rd and 4th Class!

  1. Lovely work everyone, really like the umbrellas you made using primary and secondary colours!

  2. Great work Middle Room! I really like all your colourful artwork. Keep up the great work 🙂

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