February Fun with the Juniors

Our play topic in February was ‘The Jungle.’ We had great fun making jungles in the sand, creating jungle animals and explorers equipment in junk art and play doh. We also went on a jungle trek around our class spotting various jungle creatures. Finally we played in our water station with jungle animals which live in rivers.

We created some of the animals from the book ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ Here’s a leaping gazelle………
and a slithery snake!
One jungle explorer’s trek ended when bitten by a snake!!

In art we created lots of jungle themed work including parrots made from our handprints and colourful chameleons. For Valentine’s Day we made frames of our hands for our families.

In SESE we looked at the animals we find here in Ireland and the different animals which live in jungles, we sorted the animals accordingly and later drew a selection of jungle animals we’d learned about.

We also learned about forces and focused on what is moved by pushing and what is moved by pulling. We sorted some things which are pushed and others which are pulled. We experimented with some things in our classroom to see how they move and pushed paper fish along by blowing them. We had to see which surface they travelled on best.



In SPHE we continue to do our mindfulness each week, we take some time out to relax, close our eyes and just breathe deeply and calmly.

We also discussed all the things which make us happy in school and drew pictures to show these things.

We have had great fun in January and February learning to dance with Michelle 🙂

In music this month we learned the names of various percussion instruments and learned how to play them.

Finally we had a lovely time in the library where Mary read some stories all about eating healthy food and then we had to guess which healthy fruit and vegetables she had in her bag!