February fun in the Junior Room!

Another month has flown by in the Junior Room and we have been busier than ever! In Art we made St Bridget’s Cloak using different fabrics. We also made x-rays as we were learning about ‘The Hospital’ in play and we learned about warm and cold colours and used what we’d learned to create colourful pictures like the artist Kandinsky!

To celebrate Valentine’s Day we created heart collages for our loved ones.

In play our topics we learned about were ‘The Hospital’ and ‘The Zoo.’

A baby’s bed from the hospital made in Junk Art.
Thermometers, medicine and a drip made in Junk Art.
Lions and a panda from the zoo!
Play doh flamingos and penguins in the zoo.
Building a hospital in Small World.
Building a zoo in Small World.
Role playing in the Hospital.
Building animal enclosures at the zoo in Construction.
Building a zoo in the sand
Visiting the Zoo!
Buying our tickets to the Zoo

We are having lots of fun learning dance from Michelle on Wednesdays!

In S.E.S.E. we read the story of Town Mouse and Country Mouse. We sequenced events in the story and followed the path the mice took. Also in S.E.S.E. we learned some facts all about Ireland such as what the capital city and longest river are. We also took a virtual tour of Dublin and saw some famous landmarks. We drew a local famous landmark, Kilkenny Castle.

We also learned what equipment a doctor uses and what we might find in a hospital.

We spent some time learning what school was like for boys and girls long ago, it was quite different to today!

We were delighted to welcome local historian Michael Moylan to Wandesforde! He told us lots of stories about Setanta and The Giants Causeway. Afterwards we got to dress up in costumes he brought along!

On Pancake Tuesday we all went to the Assembly Hall and had some pancakes with our friends.

During the month we looked after some eggs in an incubator and three chicks hatched out! Our class decided to call our chick Rosie!

Finally Senior Infants are continuing to learn their Tricky Words for reading.