Fantastic February Fun!

Although February is the shortest month of the year, the Junior Classroom managed to get lots of work done in all subject areas! St. Brigid’s Day started off the month for us and the children listened to stories about St. Brigid and also coloured in their own St. Brigid’s Cross.

In SESE, the children have been working on the theme of water and in response to all they have learned, the children made their own Water Scene on  paper plates!

The children explored the topic of “Feelings” in SPHE. They used a technique called “Taking a Line for a Walk” to design their own hearts and show how they feel inside using a colour key code. There’s a lot of yellow on their hearts which tells us they are happy children!!

In Art, the children participated in the Annual Texaco Competition. Below are photographs of their entries. Didn’t they do a wonderful job!

February would not be February without Valentine’s Day! The children listened to the story of St.Valentine in History and then made their own Valentine Character and Card for their loved ones!

During the month, the children took part in the Operation Transformation Initiative “10@10” whereby they actively engaged in a physical activity for 10 minutes at 10 o’ clock on a Friday morning. This was greatly enjoyed by all and the children look forward to continuing this workout in the coming months!!

Finally in Maths, the children have been working very hard on the topic of Money. They have been working out what coins they would need to buy items in our classroom shop display. They also enjoyed doing coin rubbings as an art activity in Maths!

Well done on a great month’s work! 🙂

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