Exciting October in the Junior Room!

We have been really busy throughout October in the Junior Room. We started learning through Play using the Aistear Framework. Our topic was ‘The Vet.’

Making a Vet’s Surgery in Small World
Making animals in Junk Art
Building furniture for the Waiting Room in Construction
Having fun doing writing and puzzles about the topic
Visiting the Vet in Role Play!

In English Junior Infants are busy learning their sounds and Seniors are learning reading words.

We learned all about length in Maths.

Measuring how long pencils are
Measuring how tall dogs are
Making chains which were long, longer & longest!

In Visual Art we created colourful Autumn trees, after learning about squirrels in SESE we made Red Squirrels and painted pumpkins for Hallowe’en.

During the month we learned lots about the season of Autumn in SESE. We learned about leaves changing colour and falling from the trees, all about squirrels, hedgehogs and our journey to school each day. We also learned about some traditions of Hallowe’en like dressing up, bobbing for apples and going Trick or Treating!

We went on a Nature Walk to the Discovery Park where we spotted lots of signs of Autumn! Afterwards we had lots of fun playing with our friends in the playground.

We were busy in SPHE discussing different feelings and how to recognise them.

We were excited to welcome Michael Moylan from Heritage in Schools, he told us all about Setanta and Cú Chulaínn. We had great fun dressing up as different characters with him! We also visited Castlecomer Library for Bookville, to hear story telling and make creatures using things from nature like clay, twigs and feathers.

Finally we had fun on the last day before our HallowE’en holidays dressing up in costumes coming to school!

3 thoughts on “Exciting October in the Junior Room!

  1. What great work you have done Junior & Senior Infants! Well done to you all. I really like your squirrels and spooky pumpkins! 🙂

  2. Wonderful work Junior Infants, Senior Infants and Ms. Power! You have been learning about so much and having so much fun! I love your Art work on the wall! Enjoy the mid-term break 🙂

  3. Fantastic pictures. And such happy faces.
    It looks like everyone has had a great first term. Thank you for all your hard work Ms. Power & Mrs. Power.

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