Easter Fun in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class!

The Easter celebrations started early in the middle room this year!  We have been busy writing eggciting (!) stories for a start!  They are on our classroom wall, where everyone can read them…

We had an in-class “Design an Easter Egg Competition”.  The results were very impressive as you can see from the lovely display of eggs on the wall…

And here are the winners with their eggs and their prizes!  Well done boys and girls!

We also made some chocolate nests with mini eggs as a treat after all the work over the past few weeks…

In Art, we learned how to weave paper to complete “Easter Rabbits” using special Easter paper and plain paper…

Happy Easter from the Middle Room!


5 thoughts on “Easter Fun in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class!

  1. I love the Easter rabbits, the paper weaving looks great! Well done 1st, 2nd and 3rd class!

  2. Lovely work once again! I really like your Easter Rabbits-they are very cheerful looking:) Happy Easter!

  3. Loved the “We are writers” book. Really enjoyed all the little poems and stories. Really entertaining, ….some budding writers there.
    Well done to everyone!

  4. Thanks Marylou:) The children did such a wonderful job and everyone loved reading the book when it arrived at school today:)

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