Call the Emergency Services to the Junior Room!
The Junior Room have been learning lots in November, look below and see what we’ve been up to!
Our play topics were the Garda Station and the Fire Station. We had fun learning all about these topics making things in junk art & play dough, creating a small world play area with them, finding items related to the topics in the sand & building Fire & Garda Stations in construction.
In Art we experimented with paint and created colourful fires, we also learned how to contact the Emergency Services by calling 999 and we made bright 999 signs.
Also in Art we used clay to make out own magnets, we rolled it, cut it and when dry painted it. They look really colourful on our whiteboard!
Our topic in SESE was electricity. We discovered how it travels to our homes and school and some safety tips as well. In groups we cut out pictures of different electrical appliances for each room in our houses and stuck them in.
We also learned about people in our community who help us as well as the Gardaí and Firefighters we discussed in play.
We are having great fun singing, dancing and doing art in Funky Kids every week, here we are working on our costumes for the night.
Senior Infants are working on their writing skills and wrote up sentences about The Park.
They were also busy in Maths learning about 2D shapes and created these pictures containing lots of 2D shapes!
Finally we supported 6th class on their 2km run in the Community School, we ran half the track with them twice. It was great fun and good exercise with our friends. 🙂