Book Week In-School Art Competition!
As part of Book Week 2012 in Wandesforde National School, the children participated in an In-School Art Competition on the theme of books. This year the theme was “One World Many Stories”. The children’s completed artwork is on display in the Assembly Hall for parents to see at the Book Fair! Once again you’ll see that the standard of art is very impressive so well done to all the children!
The winners were presented with their star book token by our visiting author, David Donohue. They can now use the token to get a free book from the Book Fair. Congratulations to you all!
Here are their winning entries!
Junior Infants : Alex Roe
Senior Infants: Abbey Neale
First Class: Jayde Wilson
Second Class: Ashley Kerr
Third Class: Daniel Neale
Fourth Class: Liam Fennell
Fifth Class: Karen Lucas
Sixth Class: Kyle Wilson
The following are each classroom’s competition entries on display!
Junior Classroom
Middle Classroom
Senior Classroom