Autumn fun in the Junior Room!
We are delighted to be back in the Junior Room, this Autumn Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st Class have been really busy settling back into school life and learning about lots of different topics.
Back in September we discussed our summer holidays and drew pictures of all the activities we got up to.
We practiced our cutting skills, Juniors cut straight and curved lines, Seniors made clowns and 1st Class made emojis!
In SPHE we learned all about families and drew family portraits.
Junior and Senior Infants discussed when and where they were born in SESE, we made worksheets showing us when we were babies.
We learned the names of body parts, Junior Infants cut out and stuck body parts in the correct places while Senior Infants and 1st Class labelled parts of the body.
We all see how we are growing taller all the time. Ms Power noticed how much everyone had grown up since we last saw each other in March!
In Maths Junior Infants were busy learning the numbers 1 & 2, they sorted bears into groups of 1 and 2. Senior Infants were doing lots of work on patterns and made their own patterns on peg boards.
We were busy in art and made colourful handprints, designing patterns to border it, after learning all about Autumn we created colourful Autumn leaves and made spooky bats for Halloween!
Using clay and spaghetti we made hedgehogs, they are getting ready to hibernate through Winter at the moment.
We learned lots of information about the farmer in Autumn and all the work they do at this busy time of year. We learned they plough fields, harvest corn and pick fruits like apples. We also listened to the story of The Little Red Hen and put the events of the story in order.
Also in SESE we discovered information about all the rooms in our houses and put the correct furniture in each room.
Bats were an animal we learned all about before Halloween and we also listened to an older person telling of games and traditions they had as children at Halloween. We labelled Halloween pictures and the different parts of a bat. We looked at our Bat Box in the tree outside our school and we think we spotted a bat’s foot poking out! Finally we all had fun dressing up for Halloween before mid term break. Happy Halloween everyone!!