Autumn and Halloween Fun in the Middle Room!

It has been such a busy term in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class and the boys and girls have settled in really well to their new classes! Have a look at what we have been up to!

In English, we wrote about and drew pictures of our Summer holidays and what we got up to!

We painted pictures to show our artistic abilities!

In SPHE we drew pictures to show how we are special and unique…

We also designed our own family crests!

We decorated our initials with lots of different embellishments!

In Geography we looked at and discussed houses, homes and the various parts of a house…

In Visual Arts, we made “Birds of Peacefulness”…aren’t they so colourful?

We also had fun putting masking tape on paper, painting over it and then taking it off, very carefully!

We looked at the topic of Autumn and wrote about the signs of Autumn all around us. We also went on a nature walk around the school grounds to spot the signs that we discussed….

The children were excited to have a workshop with Órla Bates on 14th October and they were delighted with the Clay Leaf Bowls that they made…They also enjoyed playing some games, using nature in our school grounds….


To mark Jersey Day and to raise money for the charity “Goal”, we dressed up in our favourite sports’ clothes…

We learned about owls…Did you know an owl can turn its head 270 degrees?!!!

We discussed the theme of Halloween and made these “Spooky Bats”….

We made spooky pumpkin treats and all helped out with Mrs. Dooley!

Happy Halloween everybody! Enjoy your midterm break!

3 thoughts on “Autumn and Halloween Fun in the Middle Room!

  1. WOW… middle room ….you have been SOOOOO busy. Well done. Fantastic learning done over the last 9 weeks … you all have such wonderful creativity and ability and it looks like yee had lots of fun… WELL DONE.
    Enjoy your Halloween break… teachers and pupils…

  2. Great work Middle Room! I really like your owls and bats! Enjoy your Halloween Break 🙂

  3. Fantastic work everyone, hope you’re enjoying the week off after all that hard work! ??

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