A Warm Welcome Back From the Senior Classroom
The first 6 weeks have flown by and the Senior Classroom have settled back very well to life in school with all its new practices and procedures!
In SPHE, we have been learning about Covid 19 and how we can help control its spread. We designed our own face masks in response to all that we learned
In Art, the children enjoyed creating their own Autumn Leaf Mosaics using coloured card and leaf cut outs.
We explored the theme of Autumn some more and wrote our own Autumn Sensory Poems in English!
The children enjoyed learning about the life and work of an American Street Artist called Thank You X in Art. In response to his work, they each designed their own cubes with pictures, shapes and patterns which we put together to create our own Collaborative Cube Mural
During September, we discussed the topic of Harvest in Religion and following this we drew our own Harvest Pictures to celebrate this very important time of year 🙂
We also got active in P.E. each week learning both hockey and hurling skills. We were fortunate to have GAA Coach, Brian Riain, back for 2 weeks to teach us some hurling drills 🙂
The children have been learning lots of new phrases and vocabulary in Gaeilge since returning to school. They drew their own pictures in response to some common phrases we met.
In Science, we studied the Reproductive Parts of a Flower and Plant and labelled the parts on our worksheets.
In History, we studied buildings and monuments in our local area. The children learned about the 1798 Monument just outside our school grounds which was erected to commemorate the Battle of Castlecomer, the last battle of the 1798 Rebellion
They also learned about the history of the Creamery House which dates back to 1750 and was unfortunately damaged during the 1798 Rebellion. Did you know that the Creamery House was once a Perambulator Factory where baby prams were made?!
In Art, the children expanded a small cut out scene to create their own imaginative landscapes
Finally on Friday, 9th October, the whole school participated in GOAL Jersey Day to support Goal’s work with vulnerable communities around the world.
We took out our hurls and practised our hurling skills in our jerseys!
Well done Senior Classes on a great start back to school after all our time apart 🙂