A New Year begins in the Junior Room

A new year has brought lots of new fun and learning to the Junior Room. We continue to learn our sounds and tricky words in English, doing lots of activities and games around this work.

We made New Years Resolutions and designed colourful 2022 signs.

Our play topic was The Weather, we made items in Play Doh and Junk Art as well as Construction.

Thunder and Lightening from Hexisnaps
and blocks!
Clouds and Lightening from Play Doh
Making umbrellas and hats to protect us from the weather

Also in play we learned all about The Zoo. We discussed the animals there, people who work there and different areas around the zoo such as aquariums and the aviary. We made animals in Play Doh and Junk Art, made a zoo in the Sand and Small World as well as Construction.

February 1st was St Brigid’s Day and we made cloaks for St Brigid in Art after learning all about her life in RE.

In Art we made colourful umbrellas and to celebrate Valentine’s Day we created Valentine’s Love Birds for our loved ones.

We also had fun creating our own windmills to see how fast the wind was blowing in Castlecomer!

In SESE we learned all about toys from now and in the past. We also drew our favourite outdoor and indoor toys.

Also in SESE we learned all about forces and found out which items we move by pushing and pulling.

Finally we learned all about Ireland and different places in Ireland focusing on the city of Dublin and landmarks there. We also looked at local landmarks and drew a local landmark, Kilkenny Castle as well as noting buildings in our local town, Castlecomer.

We also listened to Winter by Vivaldi in Music and drew some pictures of what we imagined as we listened.

In Gaeilge we listened to the story of Cochaillín Dearg and learned all about the topic of Eadaí creating our own Líne Eadaí.

Well done to all the children on their hard work in January and February!

One thought on “A New Year begins in the Junior Room

  1. Wonderful work Junior and Senior Infants! I love all your bright, colourful artwork, and it looks like you have so much fun making things in junk art. Keep up the great work!

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