A Marvellous March in the Middle Room!

March has come and is almost finished and it certainly has been a busy month in 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class!  To celebrate the wonderful work that our Mums do for us every day, we made beautiful bouquets and cards to give to them on Mothering Sunday!

To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, the children created shamrocks with rainbows!

The children in 3rd class invented amazing machines that do all sorts of jobs for us.  One is a machine that does your homework and anything else you ask it to do.  Wouldn’t that be a great thing to have in your house?!

As the season of Spring has well and truly arrived, the children painted Spring pictures!

In Religious Education, we wrote our own class prayer and listened to the Easter Story.  We decorated the notice board with lots of palm leaves…

In English, the children wrote Acrostic Spring poems….

To celebrate Easter, we designed our own Easter eggs and wrote Easter poems also!

We also learned to sew over the past few weeks and made Easter chicks, rabbits and lambs!

Here are the finished animals!

To support our efforts in working towards our green flag for transport, Ms. Power organised an art competition.  Have a look at the entries from the middle room!

In Maths, the children in 3rd class created 2D shape pictures! 

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter from 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class!!