A Great Start to 2022 in the Middle Room!

The boys and girls in 1st, 2nd and 3rd class have begun 2022 with gusto! We discussed all the good things we are going to try to do this year…We are going to reach for the stars!

We wrote about what we got up to over the Christmas break in our English class…

We painted beautiful, colourful art and displayed our pictures on our classroom walls.

In Gaeilge, we learned all about “An Aimsir” and even had the opportunity to say a poem “Bogha Báistí” in our school assembly in January.

We created “Hand-Print Parrots” in art also…

We read about St. Brigid’s Day on 1st February…

To mark St. Valentine’s Day, we made collage hearts for our loved ones and cards too!

In SESE, we looked at the topic of “Water” for 3 weeks. We designed boats using recycled materials. The children did a super job!

The children then tested their creations in a bath of water to see if they floated!

We wrote an acrostic poem about ways to conserve water….

We used metallic colours to make fish tanks…

In Geography, we studied “Habitats” with a focus on the habitats in and around our school environment. We went for a walk through the woodland and river near our school and the children took lots of photos using tablets. It was great fun!

The children spotted colourful plants, mini-beasts and so many other things!

We then drew various habitats that exist locally, nationally and internationally.

Well done on all your hard work boys and girls!

2 thoughts on “A Great Start to 2022 in the Middle Room!

  1. Great work everyone! Looks like you found lots of interesting plants and animals in our local habitat 🙂

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