A Great Start to 2016!

Welcome back and Happy New Year to Everyone! The Junior Classroom have started off 2016 on the right foot by making New Year’s Resolutions and colouring in lots of feet!!

In support of the Strand Unit of Time in Maths, the Junior Classroom made their very own Classroom Calendar for 2016!

 Here is the front cover and below are details of what’s happening in February in our classroom and school!

The children enjoyed learning about the life and work of the Swiss Artist, Paul Klee in Art. They made their own colourful portraits using rulers in support of his highly abstract artwork!

In Geography, the children enjoyed learning facts about the Polar Bear and their habitat.

The children  experimented with mixing Primary  Colours together to  make Secondary Colours  in Science and they then made their own “Colour Wheel Creatures” to support the work covered.

During the month, we welcomed members of the Irish Defence Force to our school to speak with us about the 1916 Rising and its centenary celebrations this year.

 The children created their own “Commemoration Coin”  to mark the occasion of their visit to our school to deliver the Irish Flag!

Towards the end of the month, the children explored the theme of Transport in both SPHE  and English. They designed their own “Belt Up Mascot” for a national  competition sponsored by Bus Éireann! Didn’t they do a fantastic job!

Finally in English they learned the poem “Go. Go, Go” and drew illustrations to accompany it.

Well done Junior Room on a great start to 2016! 🙂