2nd, 3rd and 4th Class are Back!!!
A warm welcome back to all our pupils after a stressful few months at home! It is great to be back in the classroom and it is even better seeing our friends that we haven’t seen in so long! The children have worked very hard since their return. Have a look at what they have been up to over the past few weeks!!
In History, we have been learning all about the Vikings. We learned where they came from, what they wore, how they lived and their life in Ireland. The children drew “Viking Longships” as you can see below!
To celebrate Mothering Sunday, we made these 3D Tulips. We also made cards. We hope all Mums, Grandmothers and Aunts had a wonderful day!
In English, we discussed Spring, new life, flowers, nature. We wrote about this lovely season and drew pictures of the things that happen in Spring!
To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on 17th March, we all dressed up in green!
In Gaeilge, we have been learning all about “Éadaí” so we labelled our “Leipreachán” with all the words from the theme of “Éadaí” that we now know!
We made very cool looking Leprechauns using tissue paper and lots of imagination!
Ms. Delaney has also been teaching the pupils over the past week and a half and the children have been learning all about magnets and the weather. They completed some prediction activities in Science to see what items were magnetic and non-magnetic.
In Visual Arts the children drew “Self-Portraits”…
The children learned about “The Easter Story” and in Visual Arts, made these fantastic Easter Chicks!
Wishing you all a very Happy Easter!