We’re back and ready for 2017!

A warm welcome back to everyone from 2nd, 3rd and 4th Class!  We have had a busy January and February so far!  To start off the new year, we wrote about what we did over the Christmas holidays and discussed our new year’s resolutions…

In English, the 4th class boys were reading a recipe about “Peppermint Creams”.  We had a go at making these very simple, but delicious,  sweets!  Everyone tried one and agreed that they were very tasty!

In History, we learned all about St. Brendan the Navigator.  We enjoyed writing a diary extract of a day in the life of a navigator like St. Brendan!

We also studied “Games and Pastimes” in History.  Did you know that children still play games that our Great-Grandparents played many years ago?  The children were then given a challenge: to create a simple game of their own, using recyclable things.  They had to present their game to the other children in the class and give them the opportunity to play that game.  They did a great job!

In Visual Arts, we looked at the life of Claude Monet, his work and the techniques he used when he painted his many famous paintings!  We then created our very own Monet inspired paintings!

We also created pictures called “Many Hands Make Light Work” using our hands and various designs and paper!

To celebrate Valentine’s Day, we made candle holders and cards for our loved ones!

We also learned how to weave circularly on a paper plate!

We also wrote about what Love means to us all and some children wrote acrostic poems!

Well done boys and girls on all your hard work over the past few weeks!

One thought on “We’re back and ready for 2017!

  1. Monet, Peppermint creams, Weaving & Brendan the Navigator. My school was definitely not this interesting. 🙂

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