2015 gets off to a busy start in the Senior Room!

January certainly has been full of fun and different activities in the Senior Room. In Art we made frosty winter branches from tin foil and parchment paper

We also experimented drawing different types of lines and created these colourful patterns.

Weather was a theme we studied in Geography, Gaeilge and Art. We made these thunderstorm scenes and drew pictures, reading the instructions ‘as Gaeilge.’

In English 4th class wrote up their New Years Resolutions for 2015. They also enjoyed reading about spiders in their readers, writing acrostic poems on the topic and information about different spiders.

In Maths they worked on Symmetry and completed these symmetrical pictures!

We studied the Digestive System in Science and each group in the room drew the Digestive System.

We listened to a piece of music called ‘The Snow is Dancing’ by Debussy and drew pictures in response to the music.

Happy New Year to everyone from 4th, 5th & 6th Class!!

3 thoughts on “2015 gets off to a busy start in the Senior Room!

  1. Great work Seniors and Ms. Power! Your thunderstorm scenes are very striking! Well done on a great month’s work!

  2. Well done Senior Room on a great month’s work. I particularly like your drawings in response to the piece of music by Debussy!

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