Mother’s Day

Celebrating Mother’s Day     Mother’s Day was on Sunday April 3rd. Last week 4th, 5th and 6th Class made colourful spring flower pots for their mums.

1916 Rising

  Charles Stewart Parnell 4th, 5th and 6th Class have been learning about the 1916 Easter Rising. Local historian Michael Moylan came in to show us some clothes, weapons and discuss events which took place during the Easter Rising.   We got to look at some of the weapons used during the Rising We also got…

The Irish Famine

For the past few weeks we have been learning about the Irish famine. We found out that half of the population of Ireland either emigrated or died. All of the potatoes died from blight and people sometimes had to eat grass and nettles. 1847 was the worst year of the famine, knwn as ‘Black ’47’….