End of Year Achievements!

We held our End of Year Assembly on Thursday, 20th June.  It was a happy and a sad occasion in one, marking the end of all our achievements during the year as well as saying goodbye to a great 6th Class!

During the assembly, each child was presented with their PAWS Swimming Certificates following all their hard work at swimming 😉 Attendance prizes and certificates were also awarded to children who had excellent attendance all year!

6 children received a plaque for being a great team player and enjoying sports throughout the year! A trophy was also presented to the best overall achiever throughout the year at Wandesforde School. Well done to you all!

Our 3 members of 6th Class were presented with Bibles to mark the end of their time at Wandesforde National School

We wish them the very best as they move on to their secondary schools.  They will be sadly missed!

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