Hallowe’en Fun in 2nd & 3rd Class

We really enjoyed doing lots of art and craft for Hallowe’en in our classroom.  We made some masks using feathers, glittery paper and Hallowe’en shapes.  Can you guess who’s hiding behind them?  We also made some chocolate apples covered in hundreds and thousands.  It was great fun! The finished product… We also made Frankensteins with…

We have had a very busy few months since we came back to school and the children (and teachers!) are looking forward to a rest.  The school will be closed from 31st October -4th November.  Have a look in our blog section, to see up to date reports of what each class are doing.  Thank you…

A Special Assembly

On Thursday 13th October, Wandesforde National School, Castlecomer, held a special assembly for Canon Thomas Sherlock and his wife Hazel.  Canon Sherlock is retiring later this month.  The children sang a lovely song called “Living and Learning” and presented Canon Sherlock with a book full of drawings and messages which they had completed over the past few…