March Madness in the Junior Classroom!

March has definitely been our busiest month this year! We’ve had lots of celebrations to prepare for like Mother’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day and alongside this, we had 2 art competitions to enter as well as our usual curriculum work!! In SESE, the children have been learning about “Spring”. We made our own “Spring Bouquets”…

Another Successful Book Fair!

  A Big Thank You to everybody who recently supported our School’s Book Fair. The total amount of purchases made was €1143! As a result of this, the school receives €685 in book commission to help further stock our classroom libraries. Thank you also to all the families who have purchased a copy of our…

Irish Author, Martina Murphy visits our school!

On Friday, 15th March 2013, the school welcomed Irish author, Martina Murphy to further support literacy development in our school. Martina’s visit coincided with our “Green Day” for St. Patrick’s Weekend which made it all the more enjoyable and of course memorable for the children! During the day, the children actively engaged in storytelling and drama workshops with Martina.    Martina…