Admissions/Enrolment Policy » Admissions’ Notice

Wandesforde National School

Annual Admission Notice in respect of Admissions to the 2024/2025 school year:


-This Notice must be published no later than 1 week before the date on which a school shall commence accepting applications for admission to the school for the school year concerned

-This Notice must be published on the school’s website and must remain there for the duration of the school year

– A copy of this Notice must be made available on written request

Admission Policy and Application Form:

A copy of the school’s Admission Policy and the Application Form for Admission for the 2024/2025 school year is available by emailing or writing to Wandesforde N.S., Castlecomer, Co.Kilkenny, R95 HT21

PART 1- Admissions to the 2024/2025 school year

Application and Decision Dates for admission to Wandesforde National School 2024/2025

The following are the dates applicable for admission to Junior Infants:

The school will commence accepting applications for admission on:  (This date cannot be before October 1st of the year preceding the start of the school year for which admission is being sought)8th January 2024
The school shall cease accepting applications for admission on:
(There must be a minimum period of 3 weeks between this date and the commencement date for accepting applications for admission)
31st January 2024
The date by which applicants will be notified of the decision on their application is:
(This date must be no later than 3 weeks after the closing date for the submission of applications)
21st February 2024
The period within which applicants must confirm acceptance of an offer of admission is: 8th March 2024

Note: The school will consider and issue decisions on late applications in accordance with the school’s admission policy.

*Failure to accept an offer within the prescribed period above may result in the offer being withdrawn

PART 2 – Admissions to the 2023/2024 school year

Information regarding the admission process for the Intake Group for Junior Infants for the 2023/2024 school year  

In respect of the 2023/2024 school year, the total number of applications for admission received by the school was 10

Breakdown of places allocated for the 2023/2024 school year:
Number of places available:9
Number of applications received:10
Number of offers made and accepted under each criteria:Criterion One: Applicants living in the catchment area – 9 places offered, 7 places accepted. Criterion Two: N/A
Total number of offers made9
Number of names placed on waiting list for the school year concerned.0