Hello to all in Junior & Senior Infants!
Hi girls and boys!
I hope you are all keeping well and had a nice Easter 🙂 It is very strange not being in school at the moment and I am really missing seeing all of you and Mrs Dooley every day in our classroom. For now I am going out on lots of walks with our dogs and I’ve even started knitting! (I have knitted a surprise for our classroom for next year!) I am really looking forward to when we can all see each other again in school which will hopefully be soon.
I’ve outlined some more work to complete below. There is no pressure to do it at all and it’s totally up to you as to what you choose, the only things which really need to be completed if possible are the phonics.
I hope all is ok with you at this pretty extraordinary time. If you wish you can take pictures of any work the kids do, academic or out and about learning about the world around us and send pictures to info@wandesforde.ie and I’ll get back to you. I would love to hear from the boys and girls and see how they are all doing! Also if for any reason you need to contact me you can do it through that address and I can ring/email you. Take care and please God we will all be back in Wandesforde soon.
Junior infants –
Learn 3 new sounds qu, ou, oi. Work on each sound for 2-3 days before moving onto the next one. The children can do pages 71, 72 & 73 in their Just Phonics Books and practice writing the letters. They can also look up Geraldine the Giraffe on Yotube and Jolly Phonics jingles as last month and practice writing simple words using the sounds we have learned to date. Please if at all possible keep going over sounds learned and practice blending them together, there are examples of words at the bottom of the pages but feel free to make up more examples.
They can also play some games like last month or ‘I Spy’ and instead of colour say sound …. I spy something beginning with sh. etc
Jolly Phonics Programme resources available at https://www.jollylearning.co.uk/resource-bank/
Senior Infants –
Children can continue pgs. 74-75 learning ‘aw’ sound. This work can be done over a few days and they can then practice writing words with that sound as you say it. They can then do pgs. 76-77 which are revision.
As you know Senior Infants have been learning ‘Tricky Words’ this year. They can learn 4 more over the next few weeks. We learn the letters which make up the word and then write 2 sentences with that word in it. We usually then do some worksheets with the word. I’m going to print out some and post them on to you. They are self explanatory and the children are well used to doing them! The words to learn are: here, there, they, said. (They may have done one or two of these back in school with me but it’s good revision)
Like last month they can play some games based on new tricky words and revise ones already learned.
GAEILGE – We use Bua na Cainte which you have at home. Unfortunately all the lessons are interactive and unavailable to parents at the moment so please leave this book for the moment. If you wish to you can look up https://www.folensonline.ie
Look up the book Abair Liom A – this is the Junior Infants book and has quite a lot of the vocabulary we’ve been learning.
Click onto different topics and listen or play games. Clothes – Éadaí (Ay-dee) which is what we were working on most recently. If you wish you could also access Weather – An Aimsir (An I, M-shir) which was our topic before that.
Unfortunately you don’t have the Maths Books at home so we will have to improvise…..!
Junior Infants should be beginning to combine totals- we use a simple diagram as below which you can easily draw and use concrete objects to help them count or draw in counters. They simply write in the numbers accordingly and fill in the answer at the end. 5 or 6 sums each day is plenty, Operation Maths Junior Infants on www.edco.ie has the work like this from pg. 77-80 if you want to check it out.
Senior Infants can learn about the number 10. Operation Maths Senior Infants on www.edco.ie has a video link on page 87 at the top of the page which you can look at. If you don’t have access simply ask your child to collect 10 things from around the house e.g. collect 10 books, 10 forks and spoons, 10 toys etc. Practice counting to 20 as well.
They can practice writing the number 10, we have rhymes to practice forming all numbers they can say “number ten is a hero, first a one and then a zero” to help them remember it. Unlike Junior Infants Seniors use symbols + and = to do sums.
Using concrete materials e.g. blocks or pieces of play doh they can complete the story of 10.
3+7= and so on…..
They can practice combining different totals to make sums which add to 10 or less. E.g. 2+5= 4+ 2= etc
As with previous work in maths I would encourage lots of practical, fun activities and outdoor work where possible, if you have chalk practice writing numbers on the ground outside, count different amounts of flowers or insects in the garden, find the longest and shortest twigs or blades of grass, find the widest and narrowest stones on walls, look for the tallest tree, make numbers from play doh or trace numbers in rice, sand, salt or shaving foam. Look for different 2D and 3D shapes around the house and garden.
Log onto www.edcolearning.ie and open Explore With Me Junior Infants
Page 53 – Discuss what are healthy and unhealthy habits using pictures on the page and the picture slideshow link at the top of the page. Explore need for sleep, healthy diet, exercise for growth & development. Get your child to suggest ways in which they can stay healthy e.g. brush teeth, eat fruit & veg etc
Draw a healthy lunchbox. As an extra activity you can explore what happens to a peeled and unpeeled orange when placed in water. Predict if they will float or sink and see what happens!
Page 54 – Look at animation of The Salmon of Knowledge
Draw and colour in the Salmon from the story. You could use tin foil to make scales if you like. If you want to you could read and discuss some other Irish Legends like The Children of Lir, Oisín in Tír na nÓg or The Giants Causeway. (We learned about The Giants Causeway with Michael Moylan, historian, so this could be a nice way to revise it)
Page 57 – Look at video of Erin, Sparky and Fionn in the Italian restaurant. This video has lots of information about Italy. Ask your child to retell you some key information from the video. They can draw their favourite pizza toppings , colour an Italian flag or draw Italy which looks like a boot!
PE – I’m sure you’ve seen Joe Wicks is a great workout on Youtube! Also if you are able to you could get out for a walk or cycle within the 2km allowed. I’m out walking most days and it is lovely to see all the signs of Spring around…..a few weeks ago I saw a new baby foal on my cousin’s farm! If you like you can let me know what you’ve seen lately. 🙂
ART – we would have been making Spring Flowers from egg boxes. If you have time you could paint or colour them and stick onto card, colour in the inside of a cereal box for this if you don’t have any blue card, below is an example of what we did 2 years ago.
MUSIC – Claire Kilkenny from Music Generation has forwarded on the following work and sent the following advice ……… that the students take their time learning it and to do it in stages – stop and pause taking breaks and coming back to it. And of course, to have fun!
Junior and Senior Infant Class Groupings