Spooktacular goings on in the Junior Room!

October has been a busy month for Junior & Senior Infants. Check out what we have been up to below…..

Autumn is well and truly here now and we learned all about what happens at this colourful time of year. We painted Autumn trees using cotton buds to create leaves in Art and made bark rubbings. We joined the dots and made orange, yellow, red & brown leaves. We also learned all about squirrels and hedgehogs.

We practiced our cutting skills to make cheerful Autumn scenes!

We were practicing mapping skills in SESE and drew 3 things we see each day on our way to school.

In Maths Junior Infants have been learning all about the number 2 while Senior Infants have completed lots of work on the number 6.

Junior Infants are learning lots of new sounds each week, here are our ‘e’ sounds.

Our play topic has been ‘The Vet.’ We learned lots about how vets and veterinary nurses help animals.

Creating veterinay items in Junk Art.
Building a Vet’s Surgery in Construction.
Role playing at the vets!
Building a kennel for the vet to use

We headed off to the local library to see the work of a real life illustrator for Bookville. Carol Ann showed us her drawings and helped us create our own whale and geese drawings.

With Halloween approaching we made some spooky pumpkins to go on our wall. We also made a Halloween treat on the last day and had fun dressing up in spooky, scary costumes.

Enjoy the Halloween break everyone!