Summer Fun with Junior & Senior Infants!
As the year ends we have been busier than ever in the Junior Classroom!
We were learning all about the garden and garden centres in play. We role played in the Garden Centre, discovered tools gardeners use in the sand, made garden related items in junk art, constructed a garden centre in small world, made garden flowers from play dough & explored the use of water at the water station.
We also sowed sunflowers for our own gardens at home. We watered them and kept them on a sunny windowsill and after a few days they began to germinate. They were starting to grow quite tall by the time we brought them home!
We had great fun at our Sports’ Day, sprinting, running over hurdles, competing in the egg and spoon race and sack race.
Before our annual Sponsored Cycle we had a Cycle Safety Workshop. We learned how to safely steer around objects as well as how to use our brakes properly.
In Art we made sailing boats, we used potatoes to print the boats onto our painted background.
Before the holidays we had a Teddy Bears’ Picnic. As a treat we had some delicious Summer food – ice-cream and strawberries!
In Maths we’ve learned all about money. Here are Senior Infants sorting out their change!
We were also working on addition skills, Junior Infants played a game ‘Fill It, Spill It, Add It’ to learn about adding.
Senior Infants played Number Dots to practice their addition skills.
We continued to work hard learning tricky words. We practiced writing them with markers and shaping them in play dough and completing worksheets for different words.
We had a great morning learning to play drums and beating different rhythms.
In Science we learned all about the life cycle of a ladybird and we made paper plate ladybirds in Art.
Happy holidays everyone, have a great summer!