Happy Easter from the Middle Room!
Easter has come round very fast and the children in 2nd, 3rd and 4th Class have been very busy over the past number of weeks!
In Gaeilge, we have been learning all about “An tEarrach” or Spring and wrote a story and learned a poem with lots of Spring flowers mentioned in it. We also painted a giant Spring picture.
We also celebrated St. Patrick’s Day and made some lovely decorations.
We thoroughly enjoyed reading books at the book fair…
In English, we wrote some great book reports after reading many genres of books over the past few weeks…
The 3rd Class pupils wrote some animal riddles for their classmates!
In Visual Arts the children completed a “Mindful Colouring” activity and created some lovely Spring Flowers.
To celebrate Easter, we wrote Easter Acrostic Poems and created transparent eggs filled with lots of sparkling things!
We also learned about the Easter Story and retold it in our own words with great pictures…
The children also drew pictures for the Bishop’s Poster Competition, the theme being “Great Leaders – Past, Present and Future.” Here are a few of the entries…
The children visited the Barnstorm Theatre at the end of March to see a play entitled “Monday’s Child.” They thoroughly enjoyed it and wrote about the trip to the theatre in English.
To celebrate Mothering Sunday, we created cards, bookmarks and boxes of treats for the wonderful ladies in our lives!
Well done to all the children on a great month’s work! We wish you all a very Happy Easter! See you next month!
3 thoughts on “Happy Easter from the Middle Room!”
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Wonderful work everyone! I loved your transparent Easter eggs, they looked great on display in the corridor 🙂
Lovely work everyone, I especially liked your Easter eggs on display in the corridor 🙂
Well done everyone in the Middle Room. I really loved the Easter Eggs you made. They looked so well in the hallway.