Definition: –
Bullying is repeated aggression – verbal, psychological or physical, conducted by an individual or group against others.
Principles: –
- The School promotes qualities of social responsibility, tolerance and understanding among all its members, both in school and out of school.
- The school acknowledges the uniqueness of each individual and his/her worth as a human being.
- The school acknowledges the right of each member of the school community to enjoy a secure learning environment.
- The school disapproves of vulgar, offensive, sectarian or other aggressive behaviour by any of its members.
- Staff members share a collegiate responsibility to act in preventing bullying / aggressive behaviour by any member of the school.
- Parents have a crucial role to play in the promotion of good behaviour, and in developing a sense of self-respect for others, in their children.
- Co-operation and communication between home and school are essential elements in preventing and dealing with bullying.
Positive Strategies
- Teachers can influence attitudes to bullying behaviour in a positive manner through a range of curricular initiatives e.g.
- The R.E. Curriculum provides an opportunity to promote good behaviour and to discuss with the children strategies for dealing with bullying behaviour.
- The Stay Safe Programme will also be used to address the problems of bullying behaviour.
- Teachers will use other areas of the curriculum where appropriate.
- As self-esteem is the single most important factor in determining behaviour teachers will use every opportunity to reward children for effort and improvement.
Procedures for Noting and Reporting an incident of bullying behaviour
- Each class teacher will record incidents of bullying behaviour in the incident book.
- Each report of serious bullying behaviour will be referred immediately to by the class teacher to the Principal.
- Parents will be notified by the class teacher of report of bullying. This applies to parents of victim as well as parent of bully.
- Parent/guardians who wish to report an incident of bullying may do so by contacting the class teacher.
- Non teaching staff members are encouraged to report an incident of bullying to the class teacher.
- In the case of a complaint regarding a staff member, this should normally be raised in the first instance with the staff member in question and if necessary, with the Principal. In the case of a complaint against the Principal, this should be raised with the Principal and if necessary with the Chairperson of the Board of Management.