April Work in 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class!

Isn’t it hard to believe that April is almost over?  The children in 1st, 2nd & 3rd class have worked very hard indeed throughout the month!  After returning from the Easter holidays, the children wrote about what they got up to!

In Maths, the children in 3rd class learned about symmetry and then drew the other half of various pictures!

In Visual Arts, we looked at ways of drawing cartoon characters.  We found that the easiest way was to break the image in to smaller parts and draw them bit by bit.  The children did a wonderful job!

In SESE, the children in 1st and 2nd class learned all about the Sun, Moon and Planet Earth. 

In Science, we looked at the lifecycle of a plant, discussing the various stages and drawing them and labelling them.

To support and further understand this life cycle, we planted our own cress seeds!  First we got soil from the school garden…

Then we planted the seeds…..

Then, we watered them daily and exposed them to sunlight and waited patiently! 

We also learned about the frog in Science, learning that these amphibians are cold-blooded and have vertebrates.  To support this work, we made frog paperweights!

In SPHE, we discussed bullying and how to deal with it.  We made a fun game that has lots of suggestions to help people deal with bullies!  Some suggestions are to stay away from them or tell an adult you trust.

The children in 3rd class were set a challenge to invent a game that was made from everyday items and that did not cost any money.  They then had to present the games to their classmates.  One pupil in 3rd class went to huge effort to create a “Nature Guessing Game” with lots of things from the outside world.  She even made a wordsearch based on the items.  Wasn’t that a lot of work?

Well done on a great month’s work boys and girls!