Projects 2015!!!

Well done to the 7 children in 3rd Class for completing wonderful projects over the past number of weeks!  The children were allowed to complete the projects on any topic they wished, so you can imagine there was quite a broad range of things researched!  The girls completed their projects on rabbits, wild animals, dogs, pigs and cattle.  The boys completed their projects on bats and Manchester United!  They had to present their project to the class and then had to answer lots of questions from their listening audience…..and their teacher!

proj 005

The children in 1st and 2nd Class had plenty of opportunities to look at the projects for a while when the 3rd class had finished presenting them to the class!

If you are in the school, feel free to have a look at these projects!  Well done 3rd Class!

One thought on “Projects 2015!!!

  1. Well done 3rd class, looks like you all put lots of effort into your brilliant projects.

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