Marvellous March!
As always we have been working very hard in the Senior Room during the month of March. We’ve completed lots of work in different areas.
In English we finished reading our novel ‘Under the Hawthorn Tree’ by Marita Conlon-McKenna. We really enjoyed it as it was based during The Great Famine, a topic we also learned about in history. 4th class made ‘Magic Ball’ predictions as to how they thought the story would end and later we all wrote a ‘Book Review’ about the novel.
In Gaeilge we listened to instructions from our teacher and created these beautiful pictures based on the theme ‘An tEarrach.’
In art we learned all about the artist Matisse and made these paper collages inspired by his work!
In maths class 5th and 6th class were learning all about circles and 4th about tessellating shapes. Here are some circular designs created by 5th class and interesting tessellating shapes created by 4th class.
Finally in science we learned all about rusting. We carried out experiments using different metals and normal and salty water to see what metal rusted and which water caused more rusting to occur.
As you can see there was rust on some metals but not all and salt water definitely caused more rusting!