November News from the Senior Room!

As always we have been working hard during the month of November. We have completed lots of work in all subject areas. In English 5th and 6th class read about Polar animals and wrote up information on the different creatures they studied.


They also read a story called Catty Bimbar, Pirate Cat and designed comic strips based on the story, while 4th class wrote a character description of a washerwoman from a story they read called The Cloud Washerwoman.

In art we studied the work of Cubist artists such as Picasso and Mondrian. We then painted our own pictures based on the painting Composition in Red ,Blue and Yellow by Mondrian.

We also looked at a form of art known as Pointillism and painted our own pictures using cotton buds to create dots of paint.

In history we learned about the Celts and Romans. We learned lots of interesting facts such as the types of houses they lived in, entertainment they had, the Roman army and religious beliefs.



Finally in maths 4th class learned all about symmetry. They drew symmetrical pictures and created symmetrical pizzas!

2 thoughts on “November News from the Senior Room!

  1. Great work as always Ms Power and 4th, 5th & 6th class! You all certainly have been very busy.I like the cartoon strips on the notice board in the corridor:) I think we have a few animators in our midst:)

  2. Lovely work again this month Senior Room. I particularly like your display on Polar Animals. When I was in school, I really enjoyed learning about the Celts and Romans so it’s lovely to see all your work on display in these areas 🙂 Keep up the great work!

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