Summer in the Senior Room!
May and June have been very busy and full of activities for the pupils in 4th, 5th and 6th class. In science we looked at the different flowers we find in the environment around us. We went on a walk around the school grounds and picked some flowers we spotted. We then dried and pressed them in our own flower press.
In art we have been very creative and busy. We made these flashy lighthouses using egg cartons for the rocks and cotton wool for the foam.
We drew still life pictures of fruit and vegetables in black and white and in colour. Here are just a few of the pictures the children drew.
The lovely sunny weather inspired us to make these sunset collages. We painted paper various shades of blue and orange and yellow, then tore them into strips to make a sunset scene.
In history we have been studying life in the 1960s. We learned all about cars, sport, politics and space exploration from then. We also learned about some famous bands from the 1960s and enjoyed listening to The Beatles and The Rolling Stones!
A pupil in 4th class brought us in a newspaper from 1965! It was fun to read it and we saw that The Rolling Stones were Number 1 in the charts that week!
Wishing everyone a happy and sunny summer!!
2 thoughts on “Summer in the Senior Room!”
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Great work Ms.Power and all the senior pupils.I really like your sunset collages and your display on the Sixties.Nice work!! 🙂
Great art displays. I have to admit I enjoyed learning (or relearning) some history and geography in the last couple of weeks with the tests coming up. I don’t think I’d have scored that highly in the tests though 🙂
Many thanks for a great year Miss Power, Will thoroughly enjoyed 4th class and although it makes me a bit sad that both kids will be in the senior classroom next year (it’s only yesterday since they were both with Miss Wilson after all!!), I know they’ll both learns lots in a happy environment. Hope you have a great summer. Lorna