April Activities in 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class!

April has come and gone and it has been a busy month as you can see from all the activities we have to show you on our blog!  We have been studying weather and climate in Geography during the month and have integrated this topic with Visual Arts.  Here are our weather pictures and our kites, which all have unique features and designs!

In English, we have been working hard on broadening our knowledge and understanding of adjectives.  In groups, the children drew giants and we came up with a huge display of amazing adjectives to describe these ferocious, angry, bearded, ugly giants! 

We also have looked at the topic of “Pirates” over the past few weeks.  The children then put their new knowledge of adjectives to good use by writing wonderful stories about pirates….

In Visual Arts, we created designs on the initial letter of our names.  The children then painted their letters ….

Well done boys and girls on a busy month’s work!